Thursday, April 17, 2008

The interactive games related to health are so fascinating and a great learning tool for everyone especially kids! Technology is advancing so much and so fast that it almost makes is impossible to keep up. However, this is a good thing specifically with the existence of web 2.0 where it allows for democracy. Now, people all over the world are able to connect in many different ways which weren’t able to do some time ago. There are numerous opportunities for everyone with different purposes using web 2.0. There are sites for socialization, networking, exchanging ideas, blogging, etc. This is especially invaluable since health information can also be exchanged this way. However, not all health information out there is credible. Thus, this can create challenges for Public Health professionals as far as ensuring that the public or the consumers out there are accessing the right sites and gaining accurate knowledge. For instance, it has been extremely easy for me to find many articles online through databases regarding my thesis. On the other hand, if I had only Google searched tobacco, many site including non-credible ones will also come up. Then, I would have to be very cautious in selecting accurate information since false info could also be coming from Tobacco companies and corporations. We also need to be very cautious about sharing our personal info on the web since there are hackers and cyber preditors who have nothing better to do with their lives.


Sunshine said...

I agree Sareh, we have to be very careful, where we find our information. Make sure the source is credible! Many advertisers boast claims and they are not backed by scientific evidence. Always make sure everything health related is backed by peer research journals and that it is credible!

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